Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Global Poverty Project

On Friday September 11 a large group of Centennial College students joined forces at The Danforth Music Hall to experience a 90 minute presentation with one goal; End World Poverty. With support of actor and activist Hugh Jackman the conference touched upon many issues in underdeveloped countries. 1.4 Billion people are forced to live roughly on $1.50 a day working a full day doing jobs such as digging for roots and searching for various natural resources. This is not enough for a person to live off of. A $1.50 may be enough to purchase a small amount of food for the families, but what if someone in the family gets sick? All their money will be spent on health care for the family member. We take advantage of the resources we are given in our culture and many don't realize that the rest of the world doesn’t have them.

It was interesting to see videos of people living in these conditions they work hard, they have great character traits and they lead a certain inspiration to do better in life. After the presentation one would certainly appreciate the resources we are offered in our society a lot more. We can go and get water to drink anywhere; meanwhile people in these countries must search for their water and be lucky enough to find a polluted resource. Speaker Chris Adams explains his experience living in one of these underdeveloped countries where he found himself living with nothing. He explained how one night he was sleeping on the dirt floor of a family he was staying with and he became instantly inspired; he was determined to help. His strong drive and vision has allowed him to speak to people all over the world and bring awareness of the issues poverty brings.

Through the media and support of many world leaders The Global Poverty Project has expanded world wide to develop funding for these 1.4 billion people who still live in poverty. This cause is extremely inspiring and takes completely develops an awareness of what is going on in the world. It is upsetting that people are forced to live in these conditions, but it is also inspiring that we can come together to make a change. There is a lot to learn from The Global Poverty Project and the people who are affected by poverty. This movement will expand a lot more and hopefully achieve their goal to eradicate extreme poverty.

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